PMC Singers

Our church singing group, the PMC Singers, welcomes all who enjoy singing, whether or not they read music. We cover a variety of styles and, amongst other things, put on two informal concerts a year. We generally rehearse fortnightly on Thursdays at 7:30 pm.

Christian Aid Flyer May 2024

The Singers are currently rehearsing for performances at Easter and at the annual Christian Aid concert in May. Their rehearsal dates are as follows (7:30 pm at the Church, unless otherwise stated):

  • 2 May (at Barnes Methodist Church)
  • 9 May
  • 16 May

  • Saturday, 18 May (Christian Aid Day) 3:00 pm, informal concert; run through at 1:30 pm
  • 6 June
  • 20 June

If you would be interested in joining, please contact Lesley.

Shepherds Arise

Members of PMC Singers at the 'Shepherds Arise' 2023